

The panda is the national treasure of china,can most represent China(熊猫是中国的国宝,最能够代表中国)

也可以这么说:The panda is a best symbol of national treasure in China.(熊猫是最代表中国的国宝.)

第1个回答  2005-12-06
Panda is the national treasure of china, it is the best symbol to represent china.

china's national treasure不太正规.china是不可属专有名词.
第2个回答  2005-12-06
The panda is a national treasure of China, it represents China mostly.
第3个回答  2005-12-06
Panda is the national treasure of china,which can stand for china well.
第4个回答  2005-12-06
The panda, which is a national treasure of China, reprensents the country best.

The panda is the national treasure of china,can most represent China(熊猫是中国的国宝,最能够代表中国)也可以这么说:The panda is a best symbol of national treasure in China.(熊猫是最代表中国的国宝.):)~~~

1. The panda is the national treasure of China, widely recognized as one of its most iconic symbols.2. These gentle creatures have become synonymous with China, representing its unique culture and natural heritage.

熊猫,这个憨态可掬的黑白相间的大熊,是中华文化的象征,也是中国的国宝。In Chinese culture, the panda, with its cute and lovable appearance, is a symbol of the nation, and it is China's national treasure.在国际上,熊猫同样享有极高的声誉,它成为了中国文化传播的使者,象征着友好、和平...

熊猫是中国的国宝 翻译英文
熊猫是中国的国宝的英文:The giant panda is known as a national treasure of china treasure 读法 英 [ˈtreʒə(r)] 美 [ˈtreʒər]1、n.金银财宝;珠宝;财富;极贵重的物品;珍宝;宝物;珍品;备受宠爱(或器重)的人;心肝宝贝儿 2、v.珍视;珍爱;珍重;...

大熊猫是中国的国宝 Panda is a national treasure of China.重点词汇 Panda潘达; 熊猫; 猫熊 national treasure国宝 China中国; 瓷器; 瓷餐具 希望对你有帮助!

The panda is a national treasure of China.(中国的国宝不止大熊猫一样东西,因此应该用a,而不是the.)或者 The panda is one of China's national treasures.希望帮助到你 参考资料:http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/3619206.html

熊猫是中国的象征之一用英语表达为:Panda is one of the symbols of China。大熊猫简介:大熊猫:属于熊科、大熊猫属的哺乳动物。仅有二个亚种。雄性个体稍大于雌性。体型肥硕似熊、丰腴富态,头圆尾短,头躯长1.2-1.8米,尾长10-12厘米。体重80-120千克,最重可达180千克,体色为黑白两色,...

案例一翻译: 我最喜欢的动物是熊猫,它不仅可爱,而且是中国的国宝!现在我来介绍一下它的外形和习性。大熊猫的眼睛是一个大黑眼圈,仿佛戴着一副大墨镜;它的肚子胖胖的,像一个大气球;它还有一条短尾巴,毛茸茸的,摸起来一定很舒服。 案例二原文:主要介绍大熊猫的生活习性 The panda is a world famous wild anima...

most lovely animal in the world. The giant panda has lived on the earth for 8000000 years at least, known as the "living fossil" and "China national treasure", the World Wide Fund for nature's image ambassador, is one of the world's biodiversity conservation flagship species....

